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我为什么在 Java看到非法越狱的性质? [复制]
原标题:Why am I getting illegal escape characters with regexp in Java? [duplicate]
  • 时间:2010-04-01 16:16:11
  •  标签:
  • java
  • regex

I m working on a simply password strength checker and i can not success applying regular expressions. In different resources different kinds of regular expressions are defined. i also find javascript regular expressions but had some problems to adapt.


  • at least one lower case letter
  • at least one upper case letter at least
  • one number at least three numbers at
  • least one special character at least
  • two special characters both letters
  • and numbers both upper and lower case
  • letters, numbers, and special characters

我的目标不是定期的表达专家,而只是想利用需要的部分。 如果你把上文讨论的内容引向上调java,将不胜感激。

第二,在上 其中一些问题被提及,但一刀切,难以适用。


if (passwd.matches("(?=.*[a-z])")) // [verified] at least one lower case letter {Score = Score+5;}


如果(绕过......)(?=*d)) /[核实]至少一个编号



我认为,在这种情况下使用一种定期表达方式会非常低效率。 定期表达不是为了跟踪你有多少x、ys和z(X、y和z是以上所列任何标准)——这意味着你需要采用多种定期表述(如你以你为例所做的那样),每一次都可以按部就班。

为什么不只写一个处理功能,在你的密码中审查每个特性? 您可以通过单一通行证进行整个检查。


public boolean isStrong(String toCheck) {
    boolean hasLower = false;
    boolean hasUpper = true;

    for (int i = 0; i < toCheck.length(); i++) {
      char next = toCheck.charAt(i);
      if (Character.isLower(next)) {
        hasLower = true;
      } else if (Character.isUpper(next)) {
        hasUpper = true;

    return hasLower && hasUpper;


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