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。 NET 背景工作人员——没有办法允许例外通常回馈主线?
原标题:.NET Backgroundworker - Is there no way to let exceptions pass back normally to main thread?

问题:使用 NET 背景工作人员,没有办法让例外情况通常回馈到主线?


  • Currently in my WinForms application I have generic exception handle that goes along the lines of, if (a) a custom app exception then present to user, but don t exit program, and (b) if other exception then present and then exit application
  • The above is nice as I can just throw the appropriate exception anywhere in the application and the presentation/handling is handled generically

<代码>BackgroundWorker自动冲抵该例外情况。 载于AsyncCompletedEventArgs.Error。 页: 1 工作会议活动。

如果你愿意的话,你可以总结一下并重述这次活动的例外情况,同时铭记,在造成“外包”例外情况的框架内,将会出现“排外”例外情形,而不是因为你在“<>中文本”中重述。 Invoke 。



如果DoWorks所呼吁的同步方法有例外,这种例外将提供给RonWorkerComple的手稿人。 你可以在那里处理。

private void backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted(
    object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
    // First, handle the case where an exception was thrown.
    if (e.Error != null)

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.componentmodel.asynccompletedeventargs.error.aspx”rel=“nofollow noreferer” MSDN:

If an exception is raised during an asynchronous operation, the class will assign the exception to the Error property. The client application s event-handler delegate should check the Error property before accessing any properties in a class derived from AsyncCompletedEventArgs; otherwise, the property will raise a TargetInvocationException with its InnerException property holding a reference to Error.



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