I think the answers Translate what into Chinese? Please provide the text you want me to translate. date are a little unclear.
假设你有一个像素数组(ARGB int8_t值的数组)
// A RGB image
int8_t* pixels = new int8_t[1024*768*4];
Now you want Translate what into Chinese? Please provide the text you want me to translate. generate a PNG.
To do so, you call the function Translate what into Chinese? Please provide the text you want me to translate.Jpeg
bool ok = Translate what into Chinese? Please provide the text you want me to translate.Jpeg(writeByte, pixels, width, height);
void writeByte(unsigned char oneByte)
fputc(oneByte, output);
The problem here: FILE* output has Translate what into Chinese? Please provide the text you want me to translate. be a global variable.
Very bad if you re in a multithreaded environment (e.g. a http-server).
class BadIdea {
FILE* m_stream;
BadIdea(FILE* stream) {
this->m_stream = stream;
void writeByte(unsigned char oneByte){
fputc(oneByte, this->m_stream);
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
BadIdea* foobar = new BadIdea(fp);
bool ok = TooJpeg::writeJpeg(foobar->writeByte, image, width, height);
delete foobar;
class/struct BadIdea
FILE* m_stream;
"and" can be translated as “和” in Chinese.
static class BadIdeaExtensions
public static writeByte(this BadIdea instance, unsigned char oneByte)
fputc(oneByte, instance->m_stream);
So when you have a typedef for the writeByte procedure, "and" can be translated as “和” in looks like this
typedef void (*WRITE_ONE_BYTE)(unsigned char);
您有一个看起来像这样的 writeJpeg 签名
bool writeJpeg(WRITE_ONE_BYTE output, uint8_t* pixels, uint32_t
width, uint32_t height))
{ ... }
it s fundamentally impossible Translate what into Chinese? Please provide the text you want me to translate. pass a two-address member function Translate what into Chinese? Please provide the text you want me to translate. a one-address function pointer (without modifying writeJpeg), "and" can be translated as “和” in Chinese.there s no way around it.
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
auTranslate what into Chinese? Please provide the text you want me to translate. lambda = [fp](unsigned char oneByte) { fputc(oneByte, fp); };
bool ok = TooJpeg::writeJpeg(lambda, image, width, height);
typedef void (*WRITE_ONE_BYTE)(unsigned char);
Translate what into Chinese? Please provide the text you want me to translate.
using WRITE_ONE_BYTE = std::function<void(unsigned char)>;
And then you can leave everything else unTranslate what into Chinese? Please provide the text you want me to translate.uched.
您也可以使用 std::bind。
auTranslate what into Chinese? Please provide the text you want me to translate. f = std::bind(&BadIdea::writeByte, &foobar);
但是,背后的事情是创建一个 lambda 函数,而这个函数还需要 typedef 的更改。
So no, there is no way Translate what into Chinese? Please provide the text you want me to translate. pass a member function Translate what into Chinese? Please provide the text you want me to translate. a method that requires a static function-pointer.
But lambdas are the easy way around, provided that you have control over the source.
Otherwise, you re out of luck.
There s nothing you can do with C++.
std::function requires #include <functional>
However, since C++ allows you Translate what into Chinese? Please provide the text you want me to translate. use C as well, you can do this with libffcall in plain C, if you don t mind linking a dependency.
make install
gcc main.c -l:libffcall.a -o ma
#include <callback.h>
// this is the closure function Translate what into Chinese? Please provide the text you want me to translate. be allocated
void function (void* data, va_alist alist)
int abc = va_arg_int(alist);
printf("data: %08p
", data); // hex 0x14 = 20
printf("abc: %d
", abc);
// va_start_type(alist[, return_type]);
// arg = va_arg_type(alist[, arg_type]);
// va_return_type(alist[[, return_type], return_value]);
// va_start_int(alist);
// int r = 666;
// va_return_int(alist, r);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int in1 = 10;
void * data = (void*) 20;
void(*incrementer1)(int abc) = (void(*)()) alloc_callback(&function, data);
// void(*incrementer1)() can have unlimited arguments, e.g. incrementer1(123,456);
// void(*incrementer1)(int abc) starts Translate what into Chinese? Please provide the text you want me to translate. throw errors...
// free_callback(callback);
add_library(libffcall STATIC IMPORTED)
set_target_properties(libffcall PROPERTIES
IMPORTED_LOCATION /usr/local/lib/libffcall.a)
target_link_libraries(BitmapLion libffcall)
target_link_libraries(BitmapLion ffcall)
You might want Translate what into Chinese? Please provide the text you want me to translate. include the libffcall headers "and" can be translated as “和” in Chinese.libraries, or create a cmake project with the contents of libffcall.