English 中文(简体)
原标题:Sorting an array into a multidimensional array based on "parent_id"

I m 通过向每个“album”分配一个“父母-album_id”(除非在最高一级,在这种情况下,它没有父母一方。

首先,我从数据库中抽取了一系列的书目,并修改了每个书目中“id”(autoincrement id)。

其次,我要将各种小册子重新组织成多功能阵列,为每个书目保存儿童歌。 我已经取得了一些成功。 如果我只需要降低一层阵列,但如果我降级超过一层,就会失去阵列的全部结构,那么以下的法典就行了。 这是因为,当我直截了当的阵列——研究——我没有穿过整个阵列,只是我想要找的下一个层次。


foreach ($albums as &$album){
    if($album[ parent_album_id ]){ // Move album if it has a parent
        $insert_album = $album;
        unset($albums[$album[ id ]]); // Remove album from the array, since we are going to insert it into its parent
        $results = array_search_key($album[ parent_album_id ],$albums,$insert_album, $albums);
            $albums = $results;

function array_search_key( $needle_key, $array , $insert_album) {
   foreach($array AS $key=>&$value){
       if($key == $needle_key) {
           $array[$key][ children ][$insert_album[ id ]] = $insert_album;
           return $array;
       if(is_array($value) && is_array($value[ children ])){    
           if( ($result = array_search_key($needle_key, $value[ children ], $insert_album)) !== false)
           return $result;
   return false;
// you already managed to get the array into this form
$albums = array(
  1 => array( id =>1,  title => Album 1 ,  parentId =>null),
  2 => array( id =>2,  title => Album 2 ,  parentId =>null),
  3 => array( id =>3,  title => Album 1.1 ,  parentId =>1),
  4 => array( id =>4,  title => Album 1.1.1 ,  parentId =>3),
  5 => array( id =>5,  title => Album 2.1 ,  parentId =>2),
  6 => array( id =>6,  title => Album 1.1.2 ,  parentId =>3),
  7 => array( id =>7,  title => Album 1.1.3 ,  parentId =>3)


function foo($albums) {
  $rv = array();
  foreach( $albums as &$album) {
    if ( is_null($album[ parentId ]) ) {
      // no parentId -> entry in the root array
      $rv[] = &$album;
    else {
      $pid = $album[ parentId ];
      if ( !isset($albums[$pid]) ) {
        echo  orphant album:  , $album[ id ], "
      else {
        if ( !isset($albums[$pid][ children ]) ) {
          $albums[$pid][ children ] = array();
        $albums[$pid][ children ][] = &$album;
  return $rv;


  [0] => Array
    [id] => 1
    [title] => Album 1
    [parentId] => 
    [children] => Array
        [0] => Array
          [id] => 3
          [title] => Album 1.1
          [parentId] => 1
          [children] => Array
            [0] => Array
                [id] => 4
                [title] => Album 1.1.1
                [parentId] => 3

            [1] => Array
                [id] => 6
                [title] => Album 1.1.2
                [parentId] => 3

            [2] => Array
                [id] => 7
                [title] => Album 1.1.3
                [parentId] => 3





  [1] => Array
    [id] => 2
    [title] => Album 2
    [parentId] => 
    [children] => Array
        [0] => Array
          [id] => 5
          [title] => Album 2.1
          [parentId] => 2





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