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Weblogic 10.3.1和Oracle BPM 10.3.1之间的互用性
原标题:Interoperability between Weblogic 10.3.1 and Oracle BPM 10.3.1

• 将LBPM 6.5从WLS 10.0移至Oracle BPM 10.3.1,从WLS 10.3.1

我对Oracle司机有一些问题,因为老的司机(网吧.jdbcx.oracle.OracleDataSource)被无限期地从服务器中删除,不再得到支持。 相反,我利用了弱小的驱动力(oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXADataSource),对数据库的迁移进行了精心策划,但此后,当我试图在网络监督记录仪中部署发动机耳光时,我只向司机提出例外:

[     (cont)     ] Main: Caused by: weblogic.application.ModuleException: [HTTP:101216]Servlet: "engineStartup" failed to preload on startup in Web application: "/albpmServices/albpm_engine".                                  
[     (cont)     ] Main: fuego.directory.DirectoryRuntimeException: Exception [java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column type].                                                                                                      
[     (cont)     ] Main:        at fuego.directory.DirectoryRuntimeException.wrapException(DirectoryRuntimeException.java:85)                                                                                                    
[     (cont)     ] Main:        at fuego.directory.provider.jdbc.oracle.OraclePersistenceManager.mapSQLException(OraclePersistenceManager.java:145)                                                                              
[     (cont)     ] Main:        at fuego.directory.provider.jdbc.datadirect.oracle.DataDirectOraclePersistenceManager.mapSQLException(DataDirectOraclePersistenceManager.java:51)                                                
[     (cont)     ] Main:        at fuego.directory.provider.jdbc.JDBCServiceAccessor.mapSQLException(JDBCServiceAccessor.java:78)                                                                                                
[     (cont)     ] Main:        at fuego.directory.provider.jdbc.JDBCObjectPropertiesAccessor.fetchAllDirectoryProperties(JDBCObjectPropertiesAccessor.java:442)                                                                 
[     (cont)     ] Main:        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 

I was looking around for a solution but all is pointing to use the old driver, I think isn t a good practice to force the server to use this driver after Oracle remove it completely. Any suggestions or similar experiences??


是否有数据库可查到它试图在<条码>上执行什么问题。 这应当指出,表/栏表给你带来了麻烦,应当更容易追踪潜在的司机或升级问题。

此外,在下文第5/6页的以下文件中,它提到,在利用微薄的驱动力时,你必须确定财产违约。 NChar=true:

http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/bpm/bpm10gr3 Technoarticles/OracleBPMClusteringTips.pdf

Oracle BPM supports multi lingual capabilities. All schemas are prepared to store double byte code to ensure data integrity regardless of the location and locale where OBPM is used. When using the Oracle Internal JDBC Drivers (OEM from Oracle BPM 10gR3 Clustering Configuration Tips DataDirect), everything is automatically prepared. However, when using the Oracle Thin JDBC Driver, it is necessary to add the following property for proper data conversions: "defaultNChar=true"

I have seen that weblogic driver causes problems as well. Try oracle thin driver oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver.
I think this is part of official WebLogic documentation for some products in the suite, e.g., for portal http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E13218_01/wlp/docs100/db/oracle.html#wp1077052

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