我正在使用SUNOS服务器上的PHP5.2。 在以下法典中存在问题:
echo <form action="" method="get"> ;
echo <p>Information:<br /> ;
echo <select name="acctno" style="width: 100px;"> ;
foreach ($this->account_names as $acctno => $acctname) {
echo <option value=" .$acctno. "> .$acctname. </option> ;
echo </select> <input type="submit" value="view" /> ;
echo </form> ;
In IE the dropdown width is limited to the size i.e 100px. So only the first 15-16 characters of the account name are displayed all the time. However in chrome or firefox, even if only 15-16 characters are displayed initially, when the drop down arrow is clicked upon, it show the entire name (however long it may be). This does not happen with IE. So if the account name is, lets say, "1223456789abcdefghijkl" then: For IE: shows only "123456789" all the time Ffor chrome or firefox: shows "123456789" and when it is dropped down it show the full name as "123456789abcdefghijkl". Any help here would be much appreciated.
Thanks, VP