English 中文(简体)
j Query Click activity on Object supplemented with the Java not working
原标题:jQuery Click event on object added with JavaScript not working

我在为学校做一个静.的工作,但我已陷入一个问题。 我在帮助下,为习俗无线电台提供 Java本图书馆。 文字掩盖了投入的吨数,而是增加了习惯风格spans

Desired behaviour, when I click one a span (added with JavaScript) I want to remove disabled attribute from my "Next Question"-button which when pressed takes you to the next question. I don t want users to accidentally proceed to the next question, without choosing an answer. The problem is when I press the added spans nothing happens, but when I press another identical span which I have added in the HTML it works just as intended.

The span got the category Radio, which I m do a look up with jQuery.



http://api.jquery.com/live/rel=“nofollow noreferer”>。 你会做这样的事情:

$(".radio").live("click", function() {
    // Enable the button here

您的另一种选择是,如果你把1.4.2英镑列入你的网页,则使用新的。 然而,类似的辛迪加只是在其要求儿童参加的活动时使用的扫描器,我认为这在大页上的影响要小得多。 (在你的情况下不适用,但总是使用最佳工具。)

$("element_containing_radio_buttons").delegate(".radio" "click", function() {
   // Enable the button here


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