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Is the Reactive Framework (RX) available for use in Mono yet?

Been searching but the only thing I found was http://evain.net/blog/articles/2009/07/30/rebasing-system-reactive-to-the-net-clr which I got to work, but it feels like there should be a simpler way, specially since rx was first release back in mid 09.


You can now download it for .NET 3.5SP1 and .NET 4, so I wouldn t be at al surprised if it just worked against recent releases of Mono - no Silverlight doohickies required at all.

Having said that, I haven t tried it at all against Mono :)


Last time I tried, it did not work since one of the assemblies referenced either a native win32 dll or some framework dll not implemented by mono. However, there has been at least one release of Rx since I tried.

Yes, although I haven t tried it myself. You can find mono-reactive at https://github.com/atsushieno/mono-reactive.

I ve been playing around with it for a while and I ve found that the .NET 3.5 SP1 binaries from Microsoft work on Mono 2.6.x. However, as of yet I haven t been able to get the .NET 4 binaries to work. It seems they expect IObserver/IObservable (possibly other stuff?) to be present in mscorlib.dll, which is not the case in Mono 2.6.x. Unfortunately this means no covariant/contravariant versions of IObservable/IObserver under 2.6.x.

Haven t yet dug through Mono s svn to see if I could get it working that way.

If you ll look at .gitmodules of mono repository you ll find reference to external RX repository which I expect will be the part of future mono distributions (Mono 3.0.1 doesn t contain it yet).

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