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• 如何利用AVAAVA在Series的演播室绘制关于PNG图像的大纲?
原标题:How to draw outline around a PNG image using JAVA in Android Studio?

I have a PNG image (with transparent background) and I want to draw an outline around its visible pixels only. (See example GIF attached). I want to get this all done in JAVA.
I ve read many Q&A over stackoverflow and around the web but I didn t find anything anyway near to my requirements.
P.S: We don t have to draw the same image twice on canvas and use the bottom one as outline, so please don t propose such solutions.
P.P.S: I would be great if this solution lets me draw an outline around all visible objects/elements (images & textviews etc) inside a canvas or inside a layout.outline of a png image in Android Canvas



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