The real easy solution is to just check from the last move made...obviously, no prior move could have won the game, or you wouldn t be you just need to check to see if there are 5 (or however many) in a row/column/diagonal around the move that was just placed.
For example, if the board looks like this, and X marks the most recent move:
You don t need to check anything outside the range of "C":
Does that help? (It looked like you might be alluding to this in your original question, but I wasn t sure.)
Beyond this, simple loops are going to be your best friend. You could probably do some micro-optimization, but (depending on what your actual application is doing) it s probably not worth it.
One thing to keep track of is that you can t just jump out 5 in any direction from the most recent move looking for that many in a row, because this move might be in the middle of a streak. So I d do something like
From the new move
left = how many in a row we have to the left of the lastest move
right = how many in a row we have to the right of the latest move
if (left + right + 1 >= 5) then you have a winner
up = how many in a row we have above the latest move
down = how many in a row we have below the latest move
if (up + down + 1 >= 5) then you have a winner
// repeat for both diagonal directions.