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How to use Cassandra s Map Reduce with or w/o Pig?

Can someone explain how MapReduce works with Cassandra .6? I ve read through the word count example, but I don t quite follow what s happening on the Cassandra end vs. the "client" end.


For instance, let s say I m using Python and Pycassa, how would I load in a new map reduce function, and then call it? Does my map reduce function have to be java that s installed on the cassandra server? If so, how do I call it from Pycassa?

There s also mention of Pig making this all easier, but I m a complete Hadoop noob, so that didn t really help.

Your answer can use Thrift or whatever, I just mentioned Pycassa to denote the client side. I m just trying to understand the difference between what runs in the Cassandra cluster vs. the actual server making the requests.


From what I ve heard (and from here), the way that a developer writes a MapReduce program that uses Cassandra as the data source is as follows. You write a regular MapReduce program (the example you linked to is for the pure-Java version) and the jars that are now available provide a CustomInputFormat that allows the input source to be Cassandra (instead of the default, which is Hadoop).

If you re using Pycassa I d say you re out of luck until either (1) the maintainer of that project adds support for MapReduce or (2) you throw some Python functions together that write up a Java MapReduce program and run it. The latter is definitely a bit of a hack but would get you up and going.


It Knows about the locality ; The Cassandra InputFormat overrides getLocations() to preserve data locality

The win of using a direct InputFormat from cassandra is that it streams the data efficiently, which is a very big win. Each input split covers a range of tokens and rolls off the disk at its full bandwidth: no seeking, no complex querying. I don t think it knows about locality -- to have each tasktracker prefer input splits from a cassandra process on the same node.

You can try using Pig with the STREAM method as a hack until more direct hadoop streaming support is in place.

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