English 中文(简体)
原标题:Sharing transactions between web applications, which run in the same cluster


  • Base.war will be a self-contained spring-hibernate application
  • All applications will run under Glassfish, and may be clustered
  • E1.war will sit on top of Base.war, extending it s functionality
  • There could be further extensions (E2.war, E3.war, …) sitting on top of Base.war
  • Either wars could start a transaction, and transactions could span between wars
  • Without shutting down Base.war, or any other Ex.war, it should be possible to upgrade an Ey.war




  1. Does our database support XA?
  2. Does the JDBC driver support XA?
  3. Will the combination of Glassfish/database/JDBC work with XA?
  4. Do we really need distributed transactions?

我回到第4点——不做分配交易。 你们需要真正确保分配的交易是你们的最佳解决办法。 很简单,建议尽可能避免。 这直接来自Jürgen Höller、共同创始人和春季高级开发商。




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