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原标题:parsing simple html for iphone

我有一个非常简单的html页。 html页将始终简单。 简单

<body>some data here</body>

I have fetched the html content of such an html page and have it in an NSString. I want to get what ever data is there in the body of the html page.

Please tell me how can this be done and let me know if there are more than one possible ways. I would prefer doing it using basic obj-c if it is possible.

增 编


如果你控制了html网页的内容,你就可以简单地利用NSScanner来寻找你们想要的标签。 如果你重新寻找能够处理更复杂的一套标签的物品,则看看是否使用NSXMLParser。


NSString *parsed;
NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString: sourcecode];
[nscanner scanUpToString:@"<body>" intoString:NULL];
[nscanner scanUpToString:@"</body>" intoString: &parsed];
NSMutableString *finalparsed = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString: parsed];
[finalparsed deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 6)];  //To get rid of <body>


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