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VendInvoiceJour.InvoiceAccount <- VendTable.AccountNum relation

I have following situation: I need to join VendInvoiceJour.InvoiceAccount <- VendTable.AccountNum and take VendTable.Vendgroup. In all cases (queries,or even views) Dynamics ax joins tables VendInvoiceJour.OrderAccount<- VendTable.AccountNum not VendInvoiceJour.InvoiceAccount <- VendTable.AccountNum. I`m trying to use this kind of query:

qBdSVendJour = element.query().dataSourceTable(tablenum(VendInvoiceJour));
qBdSVendTbl = qBdSVendJour.addDataSource(tablenum(VendTable));

); //(Dynamics ax automatically corrects InvoiceAccount to orderaccount 
   //in reports if trying this link in morphx)

If you remove the line:


then you won t need to add:


To be sure that the actual query is the expected print the conent of:


qBdSVendJour.clearDynalink() will do the trick.

I believe the statement qBdSVendTbl.relations(true) will have AX evaluate the defined relations on the tables in question and use them regardless.

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