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原标题:How to program a connection pool?

Is there a known algorithm for implementing a connection pool? If not what are the known algorithms and what are their trade-offs?
What design patterns are common when designing and programming a connection pool?
Are there any code examples implement a connection pool using boost.asio?
Is it a good idea to use a connection pool for persisting connections (not http)?
How is threading related to connection pooling? When do you need a new thread?



  1. 半衰期/半衰期模型(通常使用电站通过信息)。

  2. 领导人/随行人员模式(通常使用通过信息的请求)。


  • You create a pool of threads to handle a resource. Often this size (number of threads) needs to be configurable. Call these threads Workers .
  • You then create a master thread that will dispatch the work to the Worker threads. The application program dispatches the task as a message to the master thread.
  • The master thread puts the same on the message Q of a chosen Worker thread and the Worker thread removes itself from the pool. Choosing and removing the Worker thread needs synchronization.
  • After the Worker completes the task, it returns to the thread-pool.

主人自己可以消费FCFSprioritized上完成的任务。 这将取决于你们的执行情况。


  • Create a thread pool. Initially all are Workers. Then elect a Leader, automatically rest-all become followers. Note that electing a Leader has to be synchronized.
  • Put all the data to be processed on a single request Q.
  • The thread-pool Leader dequeues the task. It then immediately elects a new Leader and starts executing the task.
  • The new Leader picks up the next task.


5. 半天

  • Higher context switching, synchronization, and data copying overhead.


  • Implementation complexity of Leader election in thread pool.

Now you can decide for yourself the more correct approach. HTH,



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