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how to get option title="sample" using jquery

I m trying to update a hidden field based on the a title attribute on a select option, I ve tried the code bellow and can t seem to get it to work.

    <select id="selectbox">
        <option name="test" value="one" title="title" selected="selected">one</option>
        <option name="test2" value="two" title="title2">two</option>
<input id="update" type="hidden" value="defaultold" />

    $( #update ).val( default );
    $( #selectbox ).change(function() {
        $( #update ).val($(this).attr("title"));

Encapsulate that code within a $(document).ready(... block, and you need to use the option s title:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $( #update ).val( default );   
    $( #selectbox ).change(function() {
         $( #update ).val($(this).find("option:selected").attr("title"));

$(this) refers to the context of the select element, you can use find to get the descendant of interest which in this case is the selected option.


Accessing the text of selected option using jquery:

var title = $( "#myselectId option:selected" ).text();

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