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How do I parse EDIFACT in Java? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.

Parsing EDIFACT can be a daunting undertaking. How can I correctly create the syntactically and semantically correct tree from an EDIFACT file?


www.smooks.org - A template-based text parser. They have suitable EDI examples that I was looking to use to implement for Walmart 810s before they dumped my products.


try: http://bots.sourceforge.net not so much a library, but translates edifact to the format you prefer....xml....csv....etc

Parsing EDIFACT is easy. You can find many libraries to do it. For example,


All these libraries simply break up the messages into segments.

The hard part with EDIFACT is to transform the message into some meaningful objects. This is very application specific and I doubt you will find any libraries. Even if you find one, it will be specific to a narrow field, like hotel reservation.

We have implemented 834 EDI to XML using Java + Smooks 1.6. It s awesome!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<medi:description name="834 EDI TO XML" version="1.0" />

<medi:delimiters segment="&#10;" field="*" component="^"
    sub-component="#" escape="~"/>

<medi:segments xmltag="FILE">

    <medi:segment segcode="ISA" xmltag="ISAHeader">
        <medi:field xmltag="AuthorziationInformationQualifier" />
        <medi:field xmltag="AuthorziationInformation" />
        <medi:field xmltag="SecurityInformationQualifier" />
        <medi:field xmltag="InterchangeIDQualifier" />
        <medi:field xmltag="InterchangeSenderID" />
        <medi:field xmltag="InterchangeIDQualifier" />
        <medi:field xmltag="InterchangeReceiverID" />
        <medi:field xmltag="InterchangeDate" />
        <medi:field xmltag="InterchangeTime" />
        <medi:field xmltag="RepetitionSeparator" />
        <medi:field xmltag="InterchangeControlVersionNumber" />
        <medi:field xmltag="InterchangeControlNumber" />
        <medi:field xmltag="AcknowledgmentRequested" />
        <medi:field xmltag="InterchangeUsageIndicator" />
        <medi:field xmltag="ComponentElementSeparator" />

    <medi:segmentGroup xmltag="BenefitEnrollmentRequest" maxOccurs="-1">
        <medi:segment minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="-1" segcode="GS" xmltag="BenefitEnrollmentRequestHeader">
            <medi:field xmltag="FunctionalIDCode" />
           <medi:field xmltag="ApplicationSendsCode" />
           <medi:field xmltag="ApplicationRecsCode" />
           <medi:field xmltag="Date" />
           <medi:field xmltag="Time" />
           <medi:field xmltag="GroupCtrlNumber" />
           <medi:field xmltag="ResponsibleAgencyCode" />
           <medi:field xmltag="ReleaseIDCode" />

        <medi:segmentGroup xmltag="BenefitEnrollmentMaintenance" maxOccurs="-1">
                <medi:segment minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="-1" segcode="ST" xmltag="BenefitEnrollmentMaintenanceHeader">
                        <medi:field xmltag="TransactionSetIdentifierCode" />
                        <medi:field xmltag="TransactionSetControlNumber" />
                        <medi:field xmltag="ImplementationConventionReference" />
            <medi:segment minOccurs="0" segcode="BGN" xmltag="Begin" ignoreUnmappedFields="true">
                  <medi:field xmltag="TSPurposeCode" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="ReferenceIdent" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="Date" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="Time" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="TimeCode" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="ReferenceIdent" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="TransactionTypeCode" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="ActionCode" />

             <medi:segment minOccurs="0" segcode="REF" xmltag="Ref_38" ignoreUnmappedFields="true">
                  <medi:field xmltag="ReferenceIdentQual" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="ReferenceIdent" />

             <medi:segment minOccurs="0" segcode="DTP" xmltag="Dtp_007" ignoreUnmappedFields="true">
                  <medi:field xmltag="DateTimeQualifier" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="DateTimePeriodFormatQualifier" />
                   <medi:field xmltag="DateTimePeriod" />

             <medi:segment minOccurs="0" segcode="QTY" xmltag="To" ignoreUnmappedFields="true">
                  <medi:field xmltag="QuantityQualifier" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="Quantity" />

             <medi:segment minOccurs="0" segcode="N1" xmltag="Sponsor" ignoreUnmappedFields="true">
                  <medi:field xmltag="EntityIDCode" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="Name" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="IDCodeQualifier" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="IDCode" />

             <medi:segment minOccurs="0" segcode="N1" xmltag="Issuer" ignoreUnmappedFields="true">
                  <medi:field xmltag="EntityIDCode" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="Name" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="IDCodeQualifier" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="IDCode" />

             <medi:segment minOccurs="0" segcode="N1" xmltag="Agent" ignoreUnmappedFields="true">
                  <medi:field xmltag="EntityIDCode" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="Name" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="IDCodeQualifier" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="IDCode" />
                  <medi:segment minOccurs="0" segcode="ACT" xmltag="Act" ignoreUnmappedFields="true">
                  <medi:field xmltag="AccountNumber" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="Name" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="IDCodeQualifier" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="IDCode" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="AcctNumberQualifier" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="AccountNumber" />
             <medi:segment minOccurs="0" segcode="N1" xmltag="Broker" ignoreUnmappedFields="true">
                  <medi:field xmltag="EntityIDCode" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="Name" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="IDCodeQualifier" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="IDCode" />
                  <medi:segment minOccurs="0" segcode="ACT" xmltag="Act" ignoreUnmappedFields="true">
                  <medi:field xmltag="AccountNumber" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="Name" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="IDCodeQualifier" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="IDCode" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="AcctNumberQualifier" />
                  <medi:field xmltag="AccountNumber" />

            <medi:segment minOccurs="0" segcode="N1" xmltag="Sponsor">
                  <medi:field xmltag="Name" />
            <medi:segmentGroup xmltag="Member" maxOccurs="-1">
                <medi:segment minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="-1" segcode="INS"    xmltag="MemberHeader">
                        <medi:field xmltag="HeaderName" />

                <medi:segment minOccurs="0" segcode="DTP" xmltag="DOB">
                  <medi:field xmltag="Month" />
                <medi:segment minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="-1" segcode="LE" xmltag="MemberFooter" ignoreUnmappedFields="true">
                        <medi:field xmltag="FooterName"/>

            <medi:segment minOccurs="0" segcode="SE" xmltag="BenefitEnrollmentMaintenanceFooter">
            <medi:field xmltag="TransactionSetIdentifierCode" />
                        <medi:field xmltag="TransactionSetControlNumber" />

        <medi:segment minOccurs="0" segcode="GE" xmltag="BenefitEnrollmentRequestFooter">
            <medi:field xmltag="ZFA" />

    <medi:segment segcode="IEA" xmltag="ISAFooter">
         <medi:field xmltag="CCC" />

There is a good one at http://x12parser.codeplex.com. It will output any 810 as xml, html or back to text with whitespace for easier inspection. The unit tests includes a sample of the Walmart 810 from the site: http://www.jobisez.com/edi/tp/guide.aspx?doc=/edi-igs/Walmart/810Invoice5010.pdf.

The formatted text would look like this:

ISA*00*          *00*          *16*102096559TEST  *14*PARTNERTEST    *071214*1406*U*00040*810000263*1*T*>
      N1*ST*WAL-MART 100*UL*0078742000992
        N3*406 SOUTH WALTON BLVD

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