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原标题:How to prompt for input using an existing variable in the prompt
  • 时间:2010-05-08 12:54:37
  •  标签:
  • matlab



Enter new radius value (R=12.6) :
... user enters 12.7 ...
Enter new pi value (pi=3.14) :
Enter new height value (h=30.0) :

通常,我将用write声明,然后在read上写新声明(例如,为之)。 然而,在MATLAB中,我不知道如何用input的发言来写一些东西。 是否有其他发言供大家参考?



%# set defaults
radius = 12.6;

%# ask for inputs
tmp = input(sprintf( Enter new radius value (R=%4.2f)
%# if the user hits  return  without writing anything, tmp is empty and the default is used
if ~isempty(tmp)
    radius = tmp;




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