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目标-C 基本类相关问题,保留使用类别档案的特定物体的价值
原标题:Objective-C Basic class related question, retaining the value of a specific object using a class file

Members, scholars, code gurus. My background is far from any computer programming thus my question may seems basic and somewhat trivial to you. Nevertheless it seems that I can t put my head around it. I have googled and searched for the answer, just to get myself confused even more. With that, I would kindly ask for a simple explanation suitable for a non technical person such as myself and for other alike arriving to this thread.


//  character.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface character : NSObject {
    NSString *name;
    int hitPoints;
    int armorClass;

@property (nonatomic,retain) NSString *name;
@property int hitPoints,armorClass;



//  character.m
#import "character.h"

@implementation character
@synthesize name,hitPoints,armorClass;

    NSLog(@"name:%@ HP:%i AC:%i",name,hitPoints,armorClass);

//  ClassAtLastViewController.h
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface ClassAtLastViewController : UIViewController {




//  ClassAtLastViewController.m
#import "ClassAtLastViewController.h"
#import "character.h"

@implementation ClassAtLastViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    //[super viewDidLoad];
    character *player = [[character alloc]init];
    player.name = @"Minsc";
    player.hitPoints = 140;
    player.armorClass = 10;
    [player giveCharacterInfo];
    [player release];
        // Up until here, All peachy!
    [self performSelector:@selector(callAgain) withObject:nil afterDelay:2.0];

    // Here is the issue, I assume that since I init the player again I loss everything
    // Q1. I loss all the data I set above, where is it than? 
    // Q2. What is the proper way to implement this

    character *player = [[character alloc]init];
    [player giveCharacterInfo];

很多人预先感谢,但愿记住,我的背景与 Sal鱼的繁殖有关,而不是与计算机法典有关,如果你与你一样,试图把你的答复降低到我的水平。



释放。 通知:

character *player = [[character alloc]init];    // You create the character here...
// And then you initialize it...
// Then later...
[player release];                               // You release it.

即便是你没有释放,你仍然无法从<密码>进入。 ∗ UNEP/POPS/POPRC.2/1。 如果您希望可在all<>m>上查阅中的>方法。 页: 1



@interface ClassAtLastViewController : UIViewController {
    character *player;    // Make player an instance variable



@implementation ClassAtLastViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    //[super viewDidLoad];
    player = [[character alloc]init];    // Initialize the instance variable
    player.name = @"Minsc";
    player.hitPoints = 140;
    player.armorClass = 10;
    [player giveCharacterInfo];
    [self performSelector:@selector(callAgain) withObject:nil afterDelay:2.0];

    [player giveCharacterInfo];

当你以你叫Again的职称为特点时,你实际上正在创造第二大特征。 尽管以Again为名创建的特性与你为DidLoad创造的特性相同,但它是一个完全不同的变量。 您认为DidLoad的特性,只在观察者Load的职能范围内存在。



//  ClassAtLastViewController.h
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface ClassAtLastViewController : UIViewController {
    character *player;



//  ClassAtLastViewController.m
#import "ClassAtLastViewController.h"
#import "character.h"

@implementation ClassAtLastViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    //[super viewDidLoad];
    player = [[character alloc]init];
    player.name = @"Minsc";
    player.hitPoints = 140;
    player.armorClass = 10;
    [player giveCharacterInfo];

    [self performSelector:@selector(callAgain) withObject:nil afterDelay:2.0];

    // Here is the issue, I assume that since I init the player again I loss everything
    // Q1. I loss all the data I set above, where is it than? 
    // Q2. What is the proper way to implement this

    [player giveCharacterInfo];

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