English 中文(简体)
  • 时间:2009-01-22 11:22:47
  •  标签:

I am developing a small intranet based web application. I have YSlow installed and it suggests I do several things but they don t seem relevant for me. e.g I do not need a CDN. My application is slow so I want to reduce the bandwidth of requests.

  1. What rules of YSlow should I adhere to?
  2. Are there alternative tools for smaller sites?
  3. What is the check list I should apply before rolling out my application?





  • Don t use 30 stylesheets - cat them into one
  • Don t use 30 JS files, cat them into one
  • Consider compressing both JS and CSS using minifiers or the YUI compressor.
  • Consider using sprites (images with multiple versions in - eg button-up and button-down, one above the other)
  • Obviously, massive images are a no-no
  • Make sure you send expires headers to make sure stylesheets/js/images/etc are all cached for a sensible amount of time.
  • Make sure your pages aren t ridiculously large. If you re in a controlled environment and you can guarantee JS availability, you might want to page data with AJAX.


  1. limit the number of HTTP requests made for images, scripts and other resources by combining where possible. Consider minifying them too. I would recommend Fiddler for debugging HTTP

  2. Be mindful of the size of Viewstate, set EnableViewState = false where possible e.g. For dropdown list controls that never have their list of items changed, disable Viewstate and populate in Page_Init or override OnLoad. TRULY understanding Viewstate is a must read article on the subject


自我提问后,我发现了Page speed。它不是为较小的网站设计的,但它是另一个很棒的火狐插件。


