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Programmatic authentication in Java EE 6

is it possible to authenticate programmatically a user in Java EE 6?

Let me explain with some more details:

I ve got an existing Java SE project with Servlets and hibernate; where I manage manually all the authentication and access control:

class Authenticator {
    int Id
    string username

Authenticator login(string username, string password) ;

void doListData(Authenticator auth) {
    if (isLoggedIn(auth)) listData();
    else doListError

void doUpdateData (Authenticator auth) {
    if (isLoggedAsAdmin(auth)) updateData() ;
    else doListError();

void doListError () {
    listError() ;

And Im integrating J2ee/jpa/servlet 3/... (Glassfish 3) in this project.

I ve seen anotations like :

@RolesAllowed ("viewer")
void doListdata (...) {
    istData() ;

void doUpdateData (...) {
    updateData() ;

void dolisterror () {
    listerror() ;

but how can I manually state, in login(), that my user is in the admin and/or viewer role?


Hi this is covered pretty well in the sun java ee 6 tutorial.


First make sure you are using Servlet 3.0/3.1. Servlet 2.4 does not have the login method

    @WebServlet(name="LoginServlet", urlPatterns={"/LoginServlet"})
    public class TutorialServlet extends HttpServlet {
      protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
        String user = request.getParameter("user");
        String password = request.getParameter("password");
        //TODO check is user and password not null

        try (PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();){
           request.login(user, password);
           //perhaps redirect to another page on success
        } catch (ServletException e) {
            //perhaps redirect to another page to login failure
            throw new ServletException(e);

Thank you for your ansers, I took a while to understand it, but you re both right,

login(java.lang.String user, java.lang.String password) 

is what I want to do. Instead of login in my users, I need to login a specific role:

login("admin", "admin") ;


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