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原标题:multiple Button click
  • 时间:2010-05-20 08:07:03
  •  标签:
  • vb.net

i have 5 buttons in row (btn1,btn2,btn3,btn4,btn5) and 1 OK button when i click indivisually to each button of 5 buttons its color changes to red and after click on OK button the color of buttons which are red turns green
the problem is that i don t know how to insert induvisual record of each button of which color is green in access database help me if you have any answer


我不喜欢用颜色的代码来决定采取何种行动。 页: 1 Tag = 无CBool(btn1.Tag)。

之后,你刚刚在座。 查阅数据库有5栏,所有类型Boolelean(可读取名称,可储存是/否的类型),然后在第1栏中储存

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