Can Eclipse Formatter be configured to keep:
public Long getId() { return; }
And maybe to format small (one line) definitions as one-liners?
Can Eclipse Formatter be configured to keep:
public Long getId() { return; }
And maybe to format small (one line) definitions as one-liners?
No: bug 205973 has been written to request such a formatter option.
3 years later, it doesn t seem likely to be implemented.
Edit May 2001:
maleki mentions, in response to orbfish s comment, that at least you have some control over the zones of code which Eclipse may or may not format:
Java development user guide > Reference > Java Editor > Formatter Help page
This isn t a direct answer, but it can help:
To my knowledge (and after a quick look), the default formatter does not provide this level of granularity for customization. If it s that important to the business, you might be able to find an Eclipse plugin (perhaps commercial) that can be configured with advanced rules like this.
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