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A.NET 3.5与C# 3.0和WinForms的数据具有约束力的现行方法
原标题:Current ways to do data binding in .NET 3.5 with C# 3.0 and WinForms

个人方面,我发现,MVP-VER模式在WinForms的数据方面运作良好。 详情请见:rel=“nofollow noreferer”>http://aviadezra.blogspot.com/2009/08/mvp-mvmvm-winforms-data- binding.html

MVVM (Model View View Model) introduces similar approach for separating the presentation from the data in an environment that empowers data binding (WPF). Since .NET framework 2.0 already offers advanced data binding infrastructure that also allows design time binding of application objects - the ‘View Model’ entity can fit quite well in MVP based environment.



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