English 中文(简体)
CAL mask子改变面罩
原标题:Animating a CALayer s mask size change

页: 1 CALayer。 面罩使用一种独特的形状,有三只环绕角,其余角落则断裂。

当我使用标准动画片复制我的<条码>时,<条码> itself < < < < / 代码 仅重重重。 然而,面罩立即使用,导致出现一些引人的问题。

我曾尝试用<条码>CABasicAnimation对面罩进行消毒,但 t有 any灭.。

我怎么能对面罩产生一刀切的消毒作用? 我是否需要删除面罩,或者我必须改变一下我目前如何掌握面罩(使用<代码>-(避免)draw InContext:CGContextRef)ctx。

Cheers, Alex


我找到了解决这一问题的办法。 其他答复部分正确,有帮助。


  • The mask property is not animatable itself.
  • Since the mask is a CALayer it can be animated on its own.
  • Frame is not animatable, use bounds and position. This may not apply to you(if you weren t trying to animate the frame), but was an issue for me. (See Apple QA 1620)
  • A view layer s mask is not tied to UIView so it will not receive the core animation transaction that is applied to the view s layer.
  • We are modifying the CALayer directly, so we can t expect that UIView will have any idea of what we are trying to do, so the UIView animation won t create the core animation transaction to include changes to our properties.


简言之,在您使用<代码>的同一期限内,建立。 WithDuration:...]. 这将造成一种单独的估计,但如果你的任期和缓解职能相同,则应当与你的估算组中的其他估算完全一致。

NSTimeInterval duration = 0.5;// match this to the value of the UIView animateWithDuration: call

[CATransaction begin];
[CATransaction setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:duration] forKey:kCATransactionAnimationDuration];

self.myView.layer.mask.position = CGPointMake(newX, 0);
self.myView.layer.mask.bounds = CGRectMake(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);

[CATransaction commit];

我使用<条码>CAShape Layer,以掩盖<条码>查询,将<条码>本身.layer.mask设定至该层。



- (void)setBounds:(CGRect)bounds
    [super setBounds:bounds];
    CAPropertyAnimation *boundsAnimation = (CABasicAnimation *)[self.layer animationForKey:@"bounds"];

    // update the mask
    self.maskLayer.frame = self.layer.bounds;

    // if the bounds change happens within an animation, also animate the mask path
    if (!boundsAnimation) {
        self.maskLayer.path = [self createMaskPath];
    } else {
        // copying the original animation allows us to keep all animation settings
        CABasicAnimation *animation = [boundsAnimation copy];
        animation.keyPath = @"path";

        CGPathRef newPath = [self createMaskPath];
        animation.fromValue = (id)self.maskLayer.path;
        animation.toValue = (__bridge id)newPath;

        self.maskLayer.path = newPath;

        [self.maskLayer addAnimation:animation forKey:@"path"];

(例如<代码>本身.mask Layer被定为`自称'.layer.mask)

我的<代码>-createMaskPath计算了我用来掩盖这一看法的CGPathRef。 我也更新了<代码>-layout Subviews上的面罩。


mask弄你的面罩是否取决于面罩的面面/带? (你提供了一些法典?) 面罩有需求 Display 2. 变更财产?

Cheers, Corin

1. 结对:与Kekodas的回答相似,但更为笼统的是:

@implementation UIMaskView

- (void) layoutSubviews {
    [super layoutSubviews];

    CAAnimation* animation = [self.layer animationForKey:@"bounds"];
    if (animation) {
        [CATransaction begin];
        [CATransaction setAnimationDuration:animation.duration];

    self.layer.mask.bounds = self.layer.bounds;
    if (animation) {
        [CATransaction commit];


遮掩的直径等于是牙齿,但你可以把被 set为面罩的层同起来。

如果你把化学文摘社保理商的开拓性财产归结起来,那就应当洗刷面罩。 我可以核实,这项工作来自我自己的项目。 但是,不肯定使用非校长的面罩。 您是否试图对面罩的内容进行估算?

Thanks, Jon

我找不到任何方案解决办法,因此,我只是用正确的定型和字母的数值来绘制一张小幅形象,而是使用。 因此,我不需要用面罩......


我更喜欢把Cashape Layer用作面罩。 在财产道路帮助下改变面罩非常方便。

在进行任何改变之前,将来文方的内容提上CGImageRef的事例,并创建一个新的估算层。 im酸时使用原层,并在im灭时显示。

The following is a sample code for creating key animation on property path. If you want to create your own path animation, make sure that there are always same number of points in the paths.

- (CALayer*)_mosaicMergeLayer:(CGRect)bounds content:(CGImageRef)content isUp:(BOOL)isUp {

    CALayer* layer = [CALayer layer];
    layer.frame = bounds;
    layer.backgroundColor = [[UIColor clearColor] CGColor];
    layer.contents = (id)content;

    CAShapeLayer* maskLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
    maskLayer.fillColor = [[UIColor blackColor] CGColor];
    maskLayer.frame = bounds;
    maskLayer.fillRule = kCAFillRuleEvenOdd;
    maskLayer.path = ( isUp ? [self _maskArrowUp:-bounds.size.height*2] : [self _maskArrowDown:bounds.size.height*2] );
    layer.mask = maskLayer;

    CAKeyframeAnimation* ani = [CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"path"];
    ani.removedOnCompletion = YES;
    ani.duration = 0.3f;
    ani.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards;
    ani.timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut];

    NSArray* values = ( isUp ?
        [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
        (id)[self _maskArrowUp:0],
        (id)[self _maskArrowUp:-ceilf(bounds.size.height*1.2)],
        [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
        (id)[self _maskArrowDown:0],
        (id)[self _maskArrowDown:bounds.size.height],
    ani.values = values;
    ani.delegate = self;
    [maskLayer addAnimation:ani forKey:nil];

    return layer;

- (void)_startMosaicMergeAni:(BOOL)up {

    CALayer* overlayer = self.aniLayer;
    CGRect bounds = overlayer.bounds;
    self.firstHalfAni = NO;

    CALayer* frontLayer = nil;
    frontLayer = [self _mosaicMergeLayer:bounds 
    overlayer.contents = (id)self.fromViewSnapshot;
    [overlayer addSublayer:frontLayer];


override var bounds: CGRect {
    didSet {
        // debugPrint(self.layer.animationKeys()) //Very useful for know if animation is happening and key name
        let propertyAnimation = self.layer.animation(forKey: "bounds.size")

        self.shapeLayer?.frame = self.layer.bounds

        // if the bounds change happens within an animation, also animate the mask path
        if let boundAnimation = propertyAnimation as? CABasicAnimation {
            // copying the original animation allows us to keep all animation settings
            if let basicAnimation = boundAnimation.copy() as? CABasicAnimation {
                basicAnimation.keyPath = "path"

                let newPath = UIBezierPathUtils.customShapePath(rect: self.layer.bounds, cornersTriangleSize: cornerTriangleSize).cgPath
                basicAnimation.fromValue = self.shapeLayer?.path
                basicAnimation.toValue = newPath

                self.shapeLayer?.path = newPath
                self.shapeLayer?.add(basicAnimation, forKey: "path")
        } else {
            self.shapeLayer?.path = UIBezierPathUtils.customShapePath(rect: self.layer.bounds, cornersTriangleSize: cornerTriangleSize).cgPath

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