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Print 50 sequences from each line using Clustal

I have a multiple sequence alignment (Clustal) file and I want to read this file and arrange sequences in such a way that it looks more clear and precise in order.

I am doing this from Biopython using an AlignIO object:

alignment = AlignIO.read("opuntia.aln", "clustal")

print "Number of rows: %i" % len(align)

for record in alignment:
    print "%s - %s" % (record.id, record.seq)

My output looks messy and long scrolling. What I want to do is print only 50 sequences in each line and continue until the end of the alignment file.

I wish to have output like this, from http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/clustalw2/.



I don t have biopython on this computer, so this isn t tested, but it should work:

chunk_size = 50

for i in range(0, alignment.get_alignment_length(), chunk_size):
    print ""
    for record in alignment:
        print "%s	%s %i" % (record.name,  record.seq[i:i + chunk_size], i + chunk_size)

Does the same trick as Eli s one - using range to set up an index to slice from then iterating over the record in the alignment for each slice.


Do you require something more complex than simply breaking record.seq into chunks of 50 characters, or am I missing something?

You can use Python sequence slicing to achieve that very easily. seq[N:N+50] accesses the 50 sequence elements starting with N:

In [24]: seq =   .join(str(random.randint(1, 4)) for i in range(200))

In [25]: seq
Out[25]:  13313211211434211213343311221443122234343421132111223234141322124442112343143112411321431412322123214232414331224144142222323421121312441313314342434231131212124312344112144434314122312143242221323123 

In [26]: for n in range(0, len(seq), 50):
   ....:     print seq[n:n+50]

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