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原标题:Simple Perl script help required




document.writeln( &#187; <a href="/LINK1" TARGET="_blank">Lorem ipsum lorem 1</a><br> );

document.writeln( &#187; <a href="/LINK2" TARGET="_blank">Lorem ipsum lor em x em 2</a><br> );

document.writeln( &#187; <a href="/LINK3" TARGET="_blank">Lorem ipsum lorem 3</a><br> );

在第2行“Lorem ipsum lor em x 2”中,有单一引文,将用文字删除。 只字句的休息将如“文件”。



$data =~ s/
    (?<!   # negative look-behind
        ( #   ensure no open parenthesis behind
           # a quote mark
    (?!    # negative look-ahead
        ) #   ensure no close parenthesis ahead
/\ /xsg;


document.writeln( &#187; <a href="/LINK2" TARGET="_blank">Lorem ipsum lor em x em 2</a><br> );


document.writeln( &#187; <a href="/LINK2" TARGET="_blank">Lorem ipsum lor em x em 2</a><br> );


while ( <> ) {
    $_ =~ ... # regular expression given above
    print $_;


perl myscript.pl file.js


s/ /\ /g; # replace all single quotes
s/document.writeln(\ /document.writeln( /g; # revert safe occurrences 

显然,这种解决办法是一种速效和 d脏的固定办法,只有你控制你的投入,而且如果输入格式众所周知,就会失败。

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