I have a GWT web-app with a nearly full page Google map window. Inside the the map, I have infowindows which include links. What I want to do is use jquery tools overlays (http://flowplayer.org/tools/overlay/apple.html) to open the overlay and display it on top of the map once the link inside the info window is clicked.
Now, the link source is generated dynamically, and it is hosted on a different server, so i have to open it in an iframe and set the source of the iframe before it opens. this seems simple enough since i only have 1 iframe on the page:
function changeSource(url){
To call this before opening the overlay (which is done on mouse release), i create the following element in the google maps infowindow via GWT:
<a href="http://whatever.com/menu/" onClick="changeSource( http://whatever.com/menu/ );" rel=#menu"> View menu </a>
Jquery tools works by opening whatever div has the id assigned to the value of rel , but because i have my javascript/jquery on my LandingPage.html in GWT, there appears to be some sort of disconnect between the two because the overlay is never added to the window.
Here s my app: http://truxmapper.appspot.com/
As you can see, the other overlays will work fine, but once you click an infowindow and try to view the menu, it will simply use the href to open the url in that window.
Does anyone know of a solution that will allow me to accomplish my goal? Thanks!