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原标题:Active printer problem in Printing word document through VB.net

我的打印机名称为:/abcFirst Floor A-Block,在NE04上以A-Block为名称: 如何印制

Private oWord As Word.Application

Dim lobjDoc As Word.Document

Dim strFolder as String
Dim pd As New PrintDocument
Dim strPrintername as String
oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
oWord.DisplayAlerts = Word.WdAlertLevel.wdAlertsNone
oWord.ActivePrinter =strPrintername 
strFolder="D:	estdoc.prn"


abcFirst Floor A-Block on NE04:

lobjDoc = oWord.Documents.Open(CType(strFolder, Object))

lobjDoc.PageSetup.FirstPageTray = Word.WdPaperTray.wdPrinterAutomaticSheetFeed

lobjDoc.PageSetup.OtherPagesTray = Word.WdPaperTray.wdPrinterAutomaticSheetFeed

lobjDoc.PrintOut(Background:=False, Append:=False, OutputFileName:=strFolder, PrintToFile:=True)   here its giving error about printer settings






First use the Windows printer settings to set that printer as the default printer. Then open Word by hand and open the VBA editor, go to the immediate window and type ?ActivePrinter.


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