perhaps anyone knows if this is possible. comparing image quality is almost imposible to describe without subjective influences. When someone rates an image quality as good there is at least one person, that doesn t think so. human preferences are always different.
- colour change(difference pixel by pixel
- blur rate
- artifacts and macroblocking
the first one would be the easiest one because you could check just the diffeence in colours and can give 3 values in +- of each hex-value both last once I don t know if this is possible, but the blocking could be detected by edge-finding.
也许你的专家方案人员可以告诉我,如果能够做到这样自动化,就可以将一些客观的测量结果降低到评级形象的质量。 这也许会使某些赫264人比x264人更平静,比 v8人和布拉瓦人好:
http://www.hdtv”rel=“nofollow noreferer” http://www.hdtv