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原标题:Subversion: setting up a remote repository and running my site off it?
  • 时间:2010-06-02 10:34:45
  •  标签:
  • svn

I m New to SVN and have Trialed with it local on my/2002/2host testters (The has a Subversion “one-click-install” function).

找到了我围绕功能Im 无限期出售的路,但利用它管理我的工作网站(不是由梦想主办,因此没有提供一波的SVN安装)。

我正确地认为,我可以在我的网站根基(包含所有档案)上建立一个存放处,然后当我开发新的特征和作出一项承诺时,这将更新我的网站? 这是否是此类事情的适当工作流程?




Both of the previous answers are good information. But there are a couple of issues that I thought a good idea to present. Should you go with the post-commit-hook idea I would suggest that the script to be made smart enough to only do the deploy when you specifically wish it too. To have the script do a deploy on every commit would be very restrictive and force you to forego many of the advantages of using source control.

One idea would be a keyword trigger in the comment that the script could use to trigger a deploy to production. Another would be to deploy only when the script determines that the commit is to a new tag folder.

Setting up the prodcution system as a local working copy and using SVN UPDATE does not have the problem of deploying commits that might not be ready for deployment to production, but suffers from not being as automatic. To solve that issue you could create a script the runs periodically on the production system that examines the repository in much the same way that a continous integration system like Crusie Control or Team City does and periodically examine the repository for a new commit and then do the update.

In either case I would suggest that you build the script smart enough to only deploy from a new TAG folder. That way you can use source control for all of the advantages that it brings and only deploy when you create a new TAG folder.

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