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原标题:Problem while fetching xml through some rss feed

I was fetching xml through some rss feed. I am unable to sort items in depth like i have sorted easily "channel -> description" as

NSString *resultValue=[[responseDictionary valueForKeyPath:@"rss.channel.description"] textContent];

页: 1

My question is how i can parse .... item -> description... i.e (Music video by Andrews U00a9 1982 MJJ Productions Inc.) i am getting nil if i fetch like valueForKeyPath:@"rss.channel.item.description"]

Key: rss Value: {
    "_text" = "
    channel =     {
        "_text" = "
        description =         {
            "_text" = "YouTube RSS Feed";
        item =         (
                "_text" = "
                description =                 {
                    "_text" = "Music video by Andrews U00a9 1982 MJJ Productions Inc.";
                enclosure =                 {
                    length = 294;
                    type = "application/x-shockwave-flash";
                    url = "http://youtube.com/v/Zi_XLOBDo_Y.swf";
                link =                 {
                    "_text" = "http://youtube.com/?v=Zi_XLOBDo_Y";

根据你公布的文本是国家安全记录仪的产出这一假设,该项目是连接各阵列的关键。 <代码>项目为整个阵列,适用于项目的任何钥匙均适用于阵列本身,而不是其中的任何物体。 我猜测,管理时间正在cho。



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