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原标题:openldap and root password

我最近改变了我的基本密码,但当我重新开始Ldap(开放式特许-2.2.13)时。 我与Lodap用户一道,对这个服务器上的任何应用都标出。

页: 1 我发现许多错误,例如:

[Tue Jun 01 02:27:24 2010] [warn] [client] [26762] auth_ldap作准:user foo accreditation工作失败;URI /svn-clients/myclient/[LDAP: ldap_simple_bind_s(s)失败][Can t接触 LDAP服务器]

I guess there is a linkage between user root and the Ldap configuration, I also changed the rootpw entry in slapd.conf, but this doesn t seem to make things better.


服务器没有运行。 我将在指挥线上重新开始,立即检查在var/log/da中发出的错误信息。

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