English 中文(简体)
j 质量——外地入口——如何复制和改成对流友好的尿素
原标题:jQuery - field entry - how to duplicate and convert to seo friendly url

我有两个超文本输入领域article url

页: 1 • 重复外地条款进入现场,向地轨道友好连接点:<>>

  • url allowed symbols a-z (capital letters converted to lowercase),
  • url space symbol replace with dash -,
  • url other symbols ignored.


<input type="text" name="article">

<代码>url field is jquery auto produced and updated by field article 价值

<input type="text" name="url">


function name_to_url(name) {
    name = name.toLowerCase(); // lowercase
    name = name.replace(/^s+|s+$/g,   ); // remove leading and trailing whitespaces
    name = name.replace(/s+/g,  - ); // convert (continuous) whitespaces to one -
    name = name.replace(/[^a-z-]/g,   ); // remove everything that is not [a-z] or -
    return name;


$( input[name=article] ).blur(function() {
    $( input[name=url] ).val(name_to_url($(this).val())); // set value


它保留了现有的<代码>-。 因此,如果你也想去除,那么,你必须修改<代码>的最后一行和第三行,即:

name = name.replace(/[^a-z ]/g,   ); // remove everything that is not [a-z] or whitespace
name = name.replace(/s+/g,  - ); // convert (continuous) whitespaces to one -

参考:http://api.jquery.com/blur/“rel=>nofollow noreferer”>.blur(,>>>,val()>,



function update_URL() {
     var value = name_to_url($( input[name=article] ).val()) +  -  + $( input[name=year] ).val();
     $( input[name=url] ).val(value)


$( input[name=article] ).keyup(function() {


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