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Drupal 6: getting particular fields from Node Reference types

I m a drupal newbie...

<?php print $node->field_date[0][ view ]; ?>

I can get the custom created CCK fields value and display in tpl.php files as above... that s fine.

my question is how can I get the Node reference fields in-fields? for example, I have an event content type, and I have defined Node Reference for Location (title, address, img, etc.). When I write the code below, it displays all location content;

<?php print $node->field_location[0][ view ]; ?>

but I need to get only address field from this location content type. sth like below would be great :D but not working;

<?php print $node->field_location[0][ field_address ][ view ]; ?>

so how can get that? appreciate helps so much! thanks a lot!


You should inspect/dump the content of the $node->field_location array. I do not have a test installation at hand right now, so I can t say for sure, but I d expect that at least the referenced nodes id ( nid ) should be in that array somewhere. With that, you can do a node_load($nid), which returns the full node object, thus providing access to the fields.

(As said, I m not sure, but the field array might already contain the whole node object as well, saving you from the need to load it explicitely.)

The $node->field_location[0][ view ]; returns the node as it was defined in the Display Fields section of the content type definition. This might work for your advantage. You can trick it: use a Teaser display for that node and customize the node Teaser display to fit your needs. Just a thought.

If that doesn’t work for you, you will need to load the node separately. You can use $node->field_location[0][ nid ]; to get the node ID, so you will end up with something like this:

node_load($node->field_location[0][ nid ])->field_address[0][ view ]

I m not sure how this performs...

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