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如何在烟火等烟火环境中编造 j法的火法氧化法
原标题:How to code firefox extension which run javascript code in the page s context like firebug does



Basically, I would like to achieve two functionality: 1. add jQuery to any web page automatically if not already exist. 2. when open certain address, call a method of that page to auto notify the server. (an ajax functionality of the page)

I have tried to inject on the body, no luck. tried to get the window object, which however do not have access to call the function.




在阅读了某些正式文件和Grease Monkey的消息来源之后,我获得了基本上为我工作的以下方法。


var appcontent = document.getElementById("appcontent");   // browser  
    if (appcontent) {
         appcontent.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (evnt) {
            var doc = evnt.originalTarget; 
            var win = doc.defaultView;
            var unsafeWin = win.wrappedJSObject;

            // vote.up is the function on the page s context
            // which is take from this site as example
         }, true);

Greasemonkey。 如果你正在开发自己的延伸功能,你可以使用Components.utils.evalInSand Box

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