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原标题:Parsing NSXMLNode Attributes in Cocoa


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<application name="foo">
 <movie name="tc" english="tce.swf" chinese="tcc.swf" a="1" b="10" c="20" />
 <movie name="tl" english="tle.swf" chinese="tlc.swf" d="30" e="40" f="50" />

我怎么能够接触到MOVIE节点的属性(“english”、“chinese”、“name”、“a”、“b”)及其相关价值? 目前在科恰,我有能力揭穿这些节点,但我无法查阅MOVIENSXMLNodes的数据,因此损失了一米。


Am using NSXMLDocument and NSXMLNodes.


YES! 我回答了我自己的问题。

在通过XML文件进行检索时,不要将每个儿童节日定为NSXMLNode,而是将其指定为NSXMLElement。 然后,你可以利用属性。 “Name”功能返回了NSXMLNode,你可以为此利用SstringValue获取属性价值。

自2006年以来 我在解释事情时很坏,我在这里评论了我的法典。 这可能更有意义。

//make sure that the XML doc is valid
if (xmlDoc != nil) {
            //get all of the children from the root node into an array
            NSArray *children = [[xmlDoc rootElement] children];
            int i, count = [children count];

            //loop through each child
            for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
                NSXMLElement *child = [children objectAtIndex:i];

                    //check to see if the child node is of  movie  type
                    if ([child.name isEqual:@"movie"]) {
                        NSXMLNode *movieName = [child attributeForName:@"name"];
                        NSString *movieValue = [movieName stringValue];

                        //verify that the value of  name  attribute of the node equals the value we re looking for, which is  tc 
                        if ([movieValue isEqual:@"tc"]) {
                        //do stuff here if name s value for the movie tag is tc.

有两个选择。 如果你继续使用<条码>NSXMLDocment,并且有一部电影内容的,你可以这样做:

if ([movieNode kind] == NSXMLElementKind)
    NSXMLElement *movieElement = (NSXMLElement *) movieNode;
    NSArray *attributes = [movieElement attributes];

    for (NSXMLNode *attribute in attributes)
        NSLog (@"%@ = %@", [attribute name], [attribute stringValue]);

否则,你可以改用NSXMLParser。 这是一项由教区推动的活动,当其教职人员(除别的外)混杂时,会通知一名代表。 http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/coa/vis/NSXMLParserDelegate_ Protocol/Reference/Reference.html#/apple_ref/occ/intfm/NSXParserDelegate/parser:didStartElement:namespaceURI:standardName:attributes:"rel=“noreferer”> :parser:didartElement: 姓名:空间UR

- (void) loadXMLFile
    NSXMLParser *parser = [NSXMLParser parserWithContentsOfURL:@"file:///Users/jkem/test.xml"];
    [parser setDelegate:self];
    [parser parse];

// ... later ...

-      (void)         parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser
             didStartElement:(NSString *)elementName
                namespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI
               qualifiedName:(NSString *)qualifiedName
                  attributes:(NSDictionary *)attributeDict
    if ([elementName isEqualToString:@"movie"])
        NSLog (@"%@", [attributeDict objectForKey:@"a"]);
        NSLog (@"%d", [[attributeDict objectForKey:@"b"] intValue]);

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