I want to implement authorization in my Rails application on a model level (not controller), in a similar way that validation on models is done. What is the best way to do this? If it is implemented ...
USOBT含有授权检查指标和缺省值的缺省值,可维持在表24中(在开始时,如果你点击“飞跃违约”纽吨,将会出现什么)。 USOBT_C 载有授权检查指标系统中的现值,如果你从未改变任何数值,即USOBT和USOBT_。 C也将相同。
如果I m不错,则美国纺织品和服装公司仅用于SAP(表W,系统表),而美国纺织品和服装公司是客户(表C,定制表格)。 你们不应触及美国金枪鱼养护组织。
http://www.saplib.com/list-of-sap-r3-security-table/“rel=“nofollow noreferer”>。
I want to implement authorization in my Rails application on a model level (not controller), in a similar way that validation on models is done. What is the best way to do this? If it is implemented ...
I d like to authorize users to perform specific actions within my controllers. I ve found the ASP.NET tutorial which explains how to allow individual users to perform specific actions but can this be ...
I m searching for the best way to handle view-level authorization (where you hide markup based on a user s roles). The typical way to do this is with the Acegi Security authz tag, as follows: <...
I have a question about HTML. I know that there is this mechanism that wouldn t allow users to get a direct access to a web-page unless they enter a password and a name. What s the HTML code for that?
Suppose I am writing a server for a particular network protocol. If I know that the client is running on a Windows machine, is it possible for my server to authenticate the Windows user that owns the ...
I have an custom role provider that gets the roles a user belongs to from a database. I also have a custom authentication module registered in my web.config s httpModules which sniffs incoming HTTP ...
I current have the following attribute decorating one of the action method. [Authorize(Roles = "Admin")] public ActionResult DoAdminTask() { //Do something return View(); } Currently, only users ...
Suppose you have a mutual SSL service, which in addition to the SSL, has application authentication. Thus, clients provide certificates (as well as servers), but the client request (e.g., REST ...