English 中文(简体)
执行N-Tier实体框架 4.0 和DTO
原标题:implement N-Tier Entity Framework 4.0 with DTOs

I m目前正在建立一个网络系统,并试图在SOA架构中实施N-Tier实体框架4.0和DTOs。 我对我如何实施数据获取、商业逻辑和列报方式有问题的理解。








using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace OrderSystemDAL
  public static class UserAccountsData
    public static int Insert(string firstName, string lastName, DateTime insertDate)
      using (OrderSystemEntities db = new OrderSystemEntities())
        return Insert(db, firstName, lastName, insertDate);

    public static int Insert(OrderSystemEntities db, string firstName,
                 string lastName, DateTime insertDate)
      return db.UserAccounts_Insert(firstName, lastName, insertDate, insertDate).ElementAt(0).Value;

    public static void Update(int id, string firstName, string lastName,
                 DateTime updateDate)
      using (OrderSystemEntities db = new OrderSystemEntities())
        Update(db, id, firstName, lastName, updateDate);

    public static void Update(OrderSystemEntities db, int id, string firstName,
                 string lastName, DateTime updateDate)
      db.UserAccounts_Update(id, firstName, lastName, updateDate);

    public static void Delete(int id)
      using (OrderSystemEntities db = new OrderSystemEntities())
        Delete(db, id);

    public static void Delete(OrderSystemEntities db, int id)

    public static UserAccount SelectById(int id)
      using (OrderSystemEntities db = new OrderSystemEntities())
        return SelectById(db, id);

    public static UserAccount SelectById(OrderSystemEntities db, int id)
      return db.UserAccounts_SelectById(id).ElementAtOrDefault(0);

    public static List<UserAccount> SelectAll()
      using (OrderSystemEntities db = new OrderSystemEntities())
        return SelectAll(db);

    public static List<UserAccount> SelectAll(OrderSystemEntities db)
      return db.UserAccounts_SelectAll().ToList();


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using OrderSystemDAL;

namespace OrderSystemBLL
  public class UserAccountEO
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string 尼亚美 { get; set; }
    public DateTime InsertDate { get; set; }
    public DateTime UpdateDate { get; set; }

    public string FullName
        return 尼亚美 + ", " + FirstName;
    public bool Save(ref ArrayList validationErrors)
      ValidateSave(ref validationErrors);

      if (validationErrors.Count == 0)
        if (Id == 0)
          Id = UserAccountsData.Insert(FirstName, 尼亚美, DateTime.Now);
          UserAccountsData.Update(Id, FirstName, 尼亚美, DateTime.Now);
        return true;
        return false;

    private void ValidateSave(ref ArrayList validationErrors)
      if (FirstName.Trim() == "")
        validationErrors.Add("The First Name is required.");

      if (尼亚美.Trim() == "")
        validationErrors.Add("The Last Name is required.");
    public void Delete(ref ArrayList validationErrors)
      ValidateDelete(ref validationErrors);

      if (validationErrors.Count == 0)

    private void ValidateDelete(ref ArrayList validationErrors)
      //Check for referential integrity.
    public bool Select(int id)
      UserAccount userAccount = UserAccountsData.SelectById(id);

      if (userAccount != null)
        return true;
        return false;

    internal void MapData(UserAccount userAccount)
      Id = userAccount.Id;
      FirstName = userAccount.FristName;
      尼亚美 = userAccount.尼亚美;
      InsertDate = userAccount.审计领域——InsertDate;
      UpdateDate = userAccount.审计领域——最新情况;
    public static List<UserAccountEO> SelectAll()
      List<UserAccountEO> userAccounts = new List<UserAccountEO>();

      List<UserAccount> userAccountDTOs = UserAccountsData.SelectAll();

      foreach (UserAccount userAccountDTO in userAccountDTOs)
        UserAccountEO userAccountEO = new UserAccountEO();

      return userAccounts;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using OrderSystemBLL;
using System.Collections;

namespace OrderSystemUI
  public partial class Users : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
      if (!IsPostBack)
    private void LoadUserDropDownList()
      ddlUsers.DataSource = UserAccountEO.SelectAll();

      ddlUsers.DataTextField = "FullName";
      ddlUsers.DataValueField = "Id";



I would appreciate your help Thanks.


DTOs只应拥有财产,而不是用户AccountEO。 你们应当将《国际热带木材组织法》与将实体绘制到国际交易日志的逻辑分开。



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