English 中文(简体)
Fetch Request是否建议过批量错?
原标题:Does the Fetch Request do the recommended batch faulting?

我很奇怪。 docs果在docs中说:

Core Data automatically fires faults when necessary (when a persistent property of a fault is accessed). However, firing faults individually can be inefficient, and there are better strategies for getting data from the persistent store (see “Batch Faulting and Pre-fetching with the SQLite Store”).


[fetchRequest setFetchBatchSize:20];


就其他人而言,错失并不意味着“陷入错误”,而是意味着“使错误变得重要”,就像“摆脱错误”。 在我看来,措辞大错,但至少在docs中是一致的;



If you set a non-zero batch size, the collection of objects returned when the fetch is executed is broken into batches. When the fetch is executed, the entire request is evaluated and the identities of all matching objects recorded, but no more than batchSize objects’ data will be fetched from the persistent store at a time. The array returned from executing the request will be a proxy object that transparently faults batches on demand. (In database terms, this is an in-memory cursor.)



Batch Faulting

你看到的 Apple果 fault断建议是另一个案例,而不是小批量。

你们有一堆错,你们想要在一片 lo中找到自己的财产。 每次都将发生过失。 此前,你曾提出过这样的要求:

NSFetchRequest *request = ...;
NSArray *arrayOfFaults = @[faultOne, faultTwo, ...];
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF IN %@", arrayOfFaults];
[request setPredicate:predicate];
[request setReturnsObjectsAsFaults:NO];


Relationship Pre-Fetching

缩略语 然后,你将她们 it,在每间休息室,就有一名雇员。 每当一个部门进入时,就会发生关系错。 为避免这种情况,你将这样的请求混为一谈:

[request setRelationshipKeyPathsForPrefetching:@[@"department"]];

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