You can access images by PHPExcel library.
For importing images:
$objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load("MyExcelFile.xls");
foreach ($objPHPExcel->getSheetByName("My Sheet")->getDrawingCollection() as $drawing) {
if ($drawing instanceof PHPExcel_Worksheet_MemoryDrawing) {
$imageContents = ob_get_contents();
Then $imageContents will contain the image data that you can output or save as a file etc.
You can see this question: PHPExcel: How to insert an image in the first page header and enlarge it to fit it s content?
For accessing images:
ArrayObject of all the image objects in the active worksheet will return by:
$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getDrawingCollection() ;
These objects will be either PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing
or PHPExcel_Worksheet_MemoryDrawing
objects: you can identify which using is_a(). You can then use the methods appropriate to that class (as described in the API) either to read the image data from file (for PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing objects) or directly from the PHPExcel_Worksheet_MemoryDrawing object itself. The getName()
and getDescription()
methods can be used to retrieve the relevant values fro the image object.
Now it s also possible to have image objects associated with print headers:
can be used to retrieve images from the header/footer. This is an array of PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooterDrawing objects. All the PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing methods can be used to extract the image file from these objects.