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原标题:GitHub Clone with OAuth Access Token

在一份文字中,我试图把一个Gite Hub存放处与一个OAuth脚踢。




git clone https://<token>@github.com/owner/repo.git



本条从2012年起,我无法找到任何针对此的APIC文件。 因此,我很想知道这是否仍然有效。


我认为这是范围问题。 当然,需要填写<代码>repo。 由于我试图打上<条码>的私人存放处。



环境和大体; 发育环境; 个人接触症状; 产生新症状





git clone https://oauth-key-goes-here@github.com/username/repo.git

git clone https://username:token@github.com/username/repo.git


git clone https://github.com/myuser/myrepo.git




git clone `https://oauth2:TOKEN@github.com/username/repo.git`

例如,git Clone https://oauth2:ghp_...Gnm61dm4rh@github.com/gituser/testrepo.git


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 在您的终端上

$ git clone your_repo_url Username:your_token Password:


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 在您的客户中

i.e. Sourcetree、GiteKraken和Gite Hub客户。


Username:your_token Password:


OR i.e. in Sourcetree, open preferences and then go to advanced, enter the hostname (i.e. www.x.com) and userName (i.e. your_token)




错误信息只是误导。 就我而言,问题在于组合:

  1. Create a readonly token (content: readonly)
  2. Make sure the resource owner is properly set.
  3. For organizations, you have to complete "personal-access-tokens-onboarding".
  4. Clone the repository using https://oauth2:$TOKEN@github.com/myuser/myrepo.git (note the username, as suggested by others, it s oauth2)


在网上,你在处理DevOps Repo时可以这样做:

 public void CloneRepository()
            var _gitURL = "URLofGitRemoteRepository";
            var _userName = "PersonalAccessToken";
            var _pswd = ""; //Keep it blank

            var co = new CloneOptions();
            co.CredentialsProvider = (_url, _user, _cred) => new UsernamePasswordCredentials { Username = _userName, Password = _pswd };

            Repository.Clone(_gitURL, filePath, co);


  1. https://github.com/gings/tokens"rel=“nofollow noretinger”>。 (在接下来的步骤中,这同前言一样。)

  2. a. 维持以下指挥。 这表明有必要储存全权证书(第3步行)。

    git config --global credential.helper manager-core
    git config --global credential.helper store
  3. 在您的首饰中,将请用户名和密码提供您从上面项目1获得的馈赠:

    git clone https://github.com/GithubUserName/repo-to-clone.git


这一点应该与Gite 2.41(Q2 2023)更好地加以支持,而成形的子系统学会帮助奥阿瑟框架。

See commit a5c7656 (21 Apr 2023) by M Hickford (hickford).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 2ca91d1, 10 May 2023)

credential: new attribute oauth_refresh_token

Git authentication with OAuth access token is supported by every popular Git host including GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket.
Credential helpers Git Credential Manager (GCM) and git-credential-oauth generate OAuth credentials.
Following RFC 6749, the application prints a link for the user to authorize access in browser.
A loopback redirect communicates the response including access token to the application.

For security, RFC 6749 recommends that OAuth response also includes expiry date and refresh token.
After expiry, applications can use the refresh token to generate a new access token without user reauthorization in browser.
GitLab and BitBucket set the expiry at two hours.
(GitHub doesn t populate expiry or refresh token.)

However the Git credential protocol has no attribute to store the OAuth refresh token (unrecognised attributes are silently discarded).
This means that the user has to regularly reauthorize the helper in browser.
On a browserless system, this is particularly intrusive, requiring a second device.

Introduce a new attribute oauth_refresh_token.
This is especially useful when a storage helper and a read-only OAuth helper are configured together.
Recall that credential fill calls each helper until it has a non-expired password.

    helper = storage  # eg. cache or osxkeychain
    helper = oauth

The OAuth helper can use the stored refresh token forwarded by credential fill to generate a fresh access token without opening the browser.
See https://github.com/hickford/git-credential-oauth/pull/3/files for an implementation tested with this patch.

Add support for the new attribute to credential-cache.
Eventually, I hope to see support in other popular storage helpers.

Alternatives considered: ask helpers to store all unrecognised attributes.
This seems excessively complex for no obvious gain.
Helpers would also need extra information to distinguish between confidential and non-confidential attributes.

Workarounds: GCM abuses the helper get/store/erase contract to store the refresh token during credential get as the password for a fictitious host (I wrote this hack).
This workaround is only feasible for a monolithic helper with its own storage.

rel=“nofollow noreferer”>man page :


An OAuth refresh token may accompany a password that is an OAuth access token. Helpers must treat this attribute as confidential like the password attribute. Git itself has no special behaviour for this attribute.


git clone https://ghp_foo_etc:x-oauth-basic@github.com/bar/baz-phoenix.git

当格p_foo_etc是你获得象征性服务时。 这与私人回购中的食肉类接触法相类似。 没有必要提供用户名称。


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