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原标题:User Inactivity Logout PHP

我希望我的用户在十分钟的无所作为之后能够自动脱离。 我也希望所有会议都被摧毁。

如何做到这一点? 我怎么能够检查不活动,然后履行一项职能,将其 out倒?



$_SESSION[ loginTime ] = time();


if($_SESSION[ loginTime ] < time()+20*60){ logout(); }

I tired Michiels approach and got no where. On investigation I saw that the if statement simply added the expiry period to the current time so the statement never fired.



 $_SESSION[ expire ] = time()+1*60;


if(time() > $_SESSION[ expire ]){
 $user -> logout();


ini_set( session.gc_maxlifetime ,30);

< 您可以找到解决办法。

视服务器的快速程度和用户的多少而定,如果用户做任何事情,你可以向服务器发出请求(请点击,点击ton子,不管怎样)。 根据这一请求,更新了一张表格,列出他们最后一次活动的时间。



PHP的会期机制已经根据闲置时间建立了垃圾收集器。 你没有担心。

如果用户浏览到新网页,你可以把最后一段时间定为“SESSION[最后的]=时间(),并每次更新。 然后,你可以在每页都有职能时断。

function timeout()    
    $maxtime = 60*2; // Here , maxtime has been set to 2 minutes

if(isset($_SESSION[ lastactive ]) and (time() - $_SESSION[ lastactive ] > $maxtime )) // subtracting current time from lastactive time and seeing if it exceeded timeout limit.
    signout(); //logging out        

if(isset($_SESSION[ lastactive ]) and (time() - $_SESSION[ lastactive ] < $maxtime )) // subtracting current time from lastactive time and seeing if it exceeded timeout limit.
    return 1; // timeout limit not exceeded     
    if(!isset($_SESSION[ lastactive ]))

        $_SESSION[ lastactive ] = time(); //if lastactive is not set

$(document).ready( function()
setTimeout(function() { CALL LOGOUT.PHP VIA AJAX }, 720000);


720000 means 12 minutes ( for illustration purpose )
put this script in your header and set ur own time of inactivity
you can set what time u want , it will be work like if you set 5 minutes then when u login to system then it start count for 5 min. but if u click on any module this script will be reloaded , because when page turns then header is also reload when script is reload then it start count from 0 (initial), but if u cant access the system within 5 min. then it will load the logout.php and system will logs-out


//set timeout period in seconds
$idleTime= 60*2;
//check to see if $_SESSION[ timeout ] is set
if(isset($_SESSION[ timeout ])){
$session_life = time() - $_SESSION[ timeout ];
if($session_life > $idleTime){
// your logout code here*
$_SESSION[ timeout ] = time();


最简单的办法是这样做。 如果用户不在其网站上启用某些内容,则将其改为一个登录网页

$secondsWait = 300; // these are seconds so it is 300s=5minutes
header("refresh:$secondsWait; logout.php");



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