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Drupal pass argument to page

I have a custom Drupal module displaying some data in a table. Each row has a link which if clicked will delete the relevant row. Specifically, when the link is clicked it will take the user to a confirmation page. This page is really just a drupal form which says are you sure with two buttons: Yes , No . I figure I will need to pass the rowID to the confirmation page.

My question: What is the typically way to pass data to a new page in Drupal 7? I guess I could just add the rowID to the URL and use the $_GET[] from the confirmation page... I don t think this is very safe and was wondering if there was a better Drupal way.



You d use something like the following

function yourmod_menu() {
  // for examlple
  $items[ yourmod/foo/%/delete ] = array(
     title  =>  Delete a foo ,
     page callback  =>  drupal_get_form ,
     page arguments  => array( youmode_foo_delete_confirm , 2), // 2 is the position of foo_id
     access arguments  => array( delete foo rows ),
     type  => MENU_CALLBACK,

  return $items;

function yourmod_foo_delete_confirm($form, &$form_state, $foo_id) {
  // load the row
  $foo = yourmod_get_foo($foo_id);

  // build your form, if you need to add anything to the confirm form
  // ....
  // Then use drupal s confirm form
  return confirm_form($form,
                  t( Are you sure you want to delete the foo %title? ,
                  array( %title  => $foo->title)),
                   path/to/redirect ,
                  t( Some description. ),
                  t( Delete ),
                  t( Cancel ));



You can look here for examples of how core modules do it (have look at node_delete_confirm)


The simplest solution would be to use an existing module created for this purpose:

You can configure which form values can be set from the URL, then rewrite the fields displayed in your table to generate the necessary links.

If the data are nodes, you can make the link node/%/delete where % is the nid. Drupal knows how to handle the delete page, as its a core path. Then, the delete confirmation follows the rest of the system and is very Drupal .

I am not sure if this changed at all in Drupal 7, but this is what I did for countless modules.

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