English 中文(简体)
2. 计算工具路障
原标题:Calculating toolbar icon width
  • 时间:2010-06-16 15:29:13
  •  标签:
  • c++
  • mfc

我正在建造一个无线电台的客户,我有显示运行应用程序的工具障碍,与Windows工具bar一样。 我需要支持双重监测员,因此我的问题是:1)我如何发现有一个以上监测员,2) 是否有计算工具棒上ons的公式?

我知道,从一开始,宽度并不取决于监测员人数,而且总规模相同。 确实变化的是,在我必须开始“缩小”其宽度之前,我可以展示的微粒数量,这也将取决于屏幕的解决。



Answering 1) - There is the EnumDisplayMonitors function. Now regarding 2) - What do you mean with "like the windows toolbar"? If you mean something similar to the taskbar then I guess it mainly depends on what icon sizes you want to use. All the standard application icons usually supply icon sizes of 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and so on. There s no universal formula - you know how much width you have available, and then you decide on which icon size to use. But keep in mind that you eventually will run out of space no matter how small the icon, so perhaps you should think of adding some sort of scroll button. Hope that helps.

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