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原标题:JUnit @Rule to pass parameter to test


@Test public void testValidationDefault(int i) throws Throwable {..}

如果一对准参数通过 rel=“noreferer”>@Rule


java.lang.Exception: Method testValidationDefault should have no parameters






public class ParameterRule implements MethodRule{
    private int parameterIndex = 0;
    private List<String> parameters;
    public ParameterRule(List<String> someParameters){ 
        parameters = someParameters;

    public String getParameter(){
        return parameters.get(parameterIndex);

    public Statement apply(Statement st, ...){
        return new Statement{
             public void evaluate(){
                 for (int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++){
                     int parameterIndex = i;


 public classs SomeTest{
     @Rule ParameterRule rule = new ParameterRule(ArrayList<String>("a","b","c"));

     public void someTest(){
         String s = rule.getParameter()

         // do some test based on s

最近,i开始zohhak。 它允许你用参数书写测试(但是一种操作器,而不是一条规则):

   "25 USD, 7",
   "38 GBP, 2",
   "null,   0"
public void testMethod(Money money, int anotherParameter) {

应当指出的是,你不能将参数直接通过试验方法。 http://kentbeck.github.com/junit/javadoc/latest/org/junit/experimental/theories/Theories.html


public class TestDataPoints {

    public static int [] data() {
        return new int [] {2, 3, 5, 7};

    public int add(int a, int b) {
        return a + b;

    public void testTheory(int a, int b) {
        System.out.println(String.format("a=%d, b=%d", a, b));
        assertEquals(a+b, add(a, b));


a=2, b=2
a=2, b=3
a=2, b=5
a=2, b=7
a=3, b=2
a=3, b=3
a=3, b=5
a=3, b=7
a=5, b=2
a=5, b=3
a=5, b=5
a=5, b=7
a=7, b=2
a=7, b=3
a=7, b=5
a=7, b=7


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