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原标题:Is there any advantage for Java over C# [closed]
  • 时间:2010-06-25 08:16:20
  •  标签:
  • c#
  • java
  • c++

这个问题可能令人sil笑皆非,但我的意图是了解的好处。 Java除所有其他节目语言?

I guess c#与java大体相似,c#也源自C.R.R.R.R.R.。


  • Java is supported on most platforms, whereas C# mostly runs on other platforms but is not supported by Microsoft.
  • There are more external tools (like static code analyzers) for Java than for C#, although it is a matter of time before this goes the other way. When a scientific study is done into VM optimization or error detection, Java is mostly used.
  • Since Java and C# are developed by different companies, there are differences in licensing, usage terms and conditions, pricing for support or software, etc.

更新:NET 核心内容现在还有支持的和macOS。



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