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Java web CMS & HTML presentation, templating

I m looking for a content management system in java with good support for html content presentation in sense of web presentations, NOT document management or enterprise content management

I m interested in templating html pages in categories/filesystem within the cms. Most CMS I know are corporate systems like Alfresco, Nuxeo, Exo and I don t even know if these have support for web page presentation outside the Portal behind them. I just know that Magnolia does.

The second requirement is managing the CMS via API. Not manual editing. I highly doubt that there is a CMS implementing Atom publishing protocol, that s why I need a CMS with API for CRUD content so that I could implement AtomPub server by myself.


For the API side of your question, I d recommend you pick a CMS that supports CMIS, Content Management Interoperability Services, which is a new standard from OASIS.

CMIS supports both web services, and AtomPub, the latter being likely the one you d want. The What is CMIS page from Apache Chemistry is probably a good starting point (Chemistry is an open source project providing clients and server bindings for CMIS)


DotCMS supports templating, Surf & Edit and Atom feeds

Walrus CMS uses Freemarker as a templating engine and exports data via RSS and Atom

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