English 中文(简体)
原标题:Unexpected array contents in class using __get, __set and __unset

我早就对Im的问题做了简短的演示。 这确实是我如何执行,但似乎会产生同样的结果。


class mainclass {

    var $vardata = array();

    function &__get ($var) {
        if ($this->vardata[$var]) return $this->vardata[$var];
        if ($var ==  foo ) return $this->_loadFoo();
        return NULL;

    function __set ($var, $val) {
        $this->vardata[$var] = $val;

    function __unset($var) {


class extender extends mainclass {

    function __construct() {

        echo  <br> ;


    function _loadFoo () {

        $this->foo = array();

        $this->foo[] =  apples ;
        $this->foo[] =  oranges ;
        $this->foo[] =  pears ;

        return $this->foo;



$test = new extender;



array(3) { [0]=>  string(6) "apples" [1]=>  string(7) "oranges" [2]=>  string(5) "pears" }
array(5) { [0]=> string(6) "apples" [1]=> string(7) "oranges" [2]=> string(5) "pears" [3]=> string(7) "oranges" [4]=> string(5) "pears" } 


array(3) { [0]=>  string(6) "apples" [1]=>  string(7) "oranges" [2]=>  string(5) "pears" }
array(3) { [0]=>  string(6) "apples" [1]=>  string(7) "oranges" [2]=>  string(5) "pears" }

......植被、__和__功能都在正确的地方被召唤,因此,我预计第二个功能是,直接要求该功能只是 un开 $本和gt,并用同样的数据再次填充。 计算这一变数时,会得出同样的产出。 相反,它最终完成上述工作......用三条直截了两条,并保持原先三套护法。

也许只是 mistake误或误解超负荷职能——要么如此,现在我就坐在这里太久了,因此,我们非常赞赏任何帮助!



  • if ($this->vardata[$var]) is not the way to check is a variable exists; isset or (if null s are allowed, array_key_exists) is.
  • The mainclass called a function it doesn t have. You should have declared it abstract (it would still work otherwise, but you d be exposing yourself to bugs if you instantiated the mainclass).
  • You didn t make your mind if you wanted _loadFoo to set a missing array element (work with collateral effects) or return the default value for the foo property. Since you re returning by reference in __get, I suppose you want to have an actual variable and not just a return value, so I went for the first route. You had _loadFoo doing both things – set the missing array index and returning the value; to complicate things you did not set the array index directly, you relied on overloads.



abstract class mainclass {

    var $vardata = array();

    function &__get ($var) {
        if (isset($this->vardata[$var])) return $this->vardata[$var];
        if ($var ==  foo ) {
            $this->_loadFoo(); /* called for collaterals */
            return $this->foo;
        return NULL;

    abstract function _loadFoo();

    function __set ($var, $val) {
        $this->vardata[$var] = $val;

    function __unset($var) {


class extender extends mainclass {

    function __construct() {

        echo  <br> ;


    function _loadFoo () {

        $this->foo = array();

        $this->foo[] =  apples ;
        $this->foo[] =  oranges ;
        $this->foo[] =  pears ;



$test = new extender;


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