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原标题:STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION when middle clicking page. Ajax + PHP
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I m looking for a reason this page will get STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION and not other pages.

每当I中点一把干 a装入一个营地时,现场就与“STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION”发生碰撞。

My AJAX 文字:

function loadBlog() {
  // Show the loader
  document.getElementById("loader").style.display = "block";

  // Make an AJAX request to fetch the blog content
  var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
  xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
      // Hide the loader
      document.getElementById("loader").style.display = "none";

      // Update the blog container with the fetched content
      document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
  xhr.open("GET", "blog.php", true);


//$Parsedown->setSafeMode(true); // Get all post UUIDs and sort by creation date of post.md file (most recent first)
$dir = "./data/posts"; // replace with the name of your subdirectory
$dirs = array_filter(glob($dir .  /* ),  is_dir ); // get all directories in subdirectory
//sort based on date set in post.json
usort($dirs, function($a, $b) {
  $json_a = $a .  /post.json ; // get path to post.json file
  $json_b = $b .  /post.json ; // get path to post.json file
  if (file_exists($json_a) && file_exists($json_b)) { // check if post.json file exists
    $contents_a = file_get_contents($json_a); // get contents of post.json file
    $contents_b = file_get_contents($json_b); // get contents of post.json file
    $data_a = json_decode($contents_a, true); // decode contents of post.json file into an array
    $data_b = json_decode($contents_b, true); // decode contents of post.json file into an array
    return strtotime($data_b[ date ]) - strtotime($data_a[ date ]); // sort by date
// loop through all directories
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
  $json = $dir .  /post.json ; // get path to post.json file
  if (file_exists($json)) { // check if post.json file exists
    $contents = file_get_contents($json); // get contents of post.json file
    $data = json_decode($contents, true); // decode contents of post.json file into an array
    $uuid = $data[ uuid ]; // get UUID of post
    $title = $data[ title ]; // get title of post
    $date = $data[ date ]; // get date of post
    $author = $data[ author ]; // get author of post
    $description = $data[ description ]; // get description of post
    $tags = $data[ tags ]; // get tags of post
    $image = $data[ image ]; // get image of post
    $post = $dir .  /post.md ; // get path to post.md file
    if (file_exists($post)) { // check if post.md file exists
      $contents = file_get_contents($post); // get contents of post.md file
      $html = $contents; // use the raw contents of the post.md file
      echo  <div class="post"> ;
      echo  <h1 class="post-title"><a href="/post.php?uuid=  . $uuid .  ">  . $title .  </a></h1> ;
      echo  <p class="post-date">  . $date .  </p> ;
      echo  <p class="post-author">  . $author .  </p> ;
      echo  <p class="post-description">  . $description .  </p> ;
      echo  <p class="post-tags">  . $tags .  </p> ;
      echo  <img class="post-image" src="  . $image .  "> ;
      echo  <div class="post-content">  . $html .  </div> ;
      echo  </div> ;

只是在最近才开始。 较大的营地的其他移解在其他地区被使用,而生活环境则有零问题。 也许它是一个与阿帕奇本身有关的问题?


最后,我找到了原因。 为什么有一个网站显示<条码>STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION而不是其他网站? 我发现,我们在WordPress中使用的话题是双倍加装的。 表面上看, Chrome的 t子知道如何 over。 这是间断的错误,因此难以解决。 我通过在 Chrome的“开发工具塔”网络中发现这一问题。 我发现,最后的装货单总是真心的,当时浏览器将坠毁。

Why Does the Status_Access_Violation Error Occur in php ajax? You can try this optional solution :

  1. Refresh the Webpage or Your Browser, maybe browser crash or full data cookies/cache
  2. Update Your Browser, maybe your browser doesn t support version your php or ajax function
  3. Rule Out Webpage-Specific Issues, maybe your browser have issues with the plugi like ads blocker and any more
  4. Rename the Browser Executable, maybe since operating systems don t use the file name to locate applications, you must rename browser name
  5. Disable Browser Experimental Features, if you using edge browser or use another browser if exist
  6. Disable "Renderer Code Integrity" (Windows-Specific), maybe you use the windows os maybe if you still in problem, you can try another answer

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